Unsubscribe Script for AutoShare. By James Berriman, 13-NOV-96
This script requires the GTQ scripting additions 'remove', 'extract resource' and 'extract string list'.
People are always asking "How do I get off this list?". This script takes advantage of the 'File Mail' AppleScript command in AutoShare 1.1 to make unsubscribing from mailing lists a little easier. Subscribers can remove themselves from any or all lists by mailing to an address you specify. The subject and body of the message are both ignored.
How to use:
1. Create a folder called 'unsubscribe' in the AIMS Mail Folder (inside your system folder).
2. Create an AIMS account for each list you wish to work with (in my case, I've created accounts called AutoShare-announce-unsub and Fun-l-unsub). Set them to 'save as files' in the unsubscribe folder (enter the full path of the unsubscribe folder in the AIMS forwarding: field).
3. If you want, create a global account (I suggest something like 'remove'). Set the forwarding as above. Messages to this account will generate an 'unsub all' command and remove the user from all AutoShare lists.
4. Open the 'unsubscribe' script and edit the list options. They will look something like this:
-- List options
if RfcRcpt contains "AutoShare-announce" then
set CommandString to "unsub AutoShare-announce"
else if RfcRcpt contains "fun-l" then -- add appropriate statements for each individual list.
set CommandString to "unsub fun-l"
else -- I set up an account called 'remove'. Any message to this account removes you from all lists.
set CommandString to "unsub all"
end if
-- Edit the list options above according to your requirements
If you have an announcement list, you can set the List-specific reply-to: option to an address such as <fun-l-unsub@your.domain>. Recipients can automatically unsubscribe from future announcements by just replying to a messagefrom the list (unfortunately, this doesn't work for digests -yet!).
Likewise, you can tell your users to mail <remove@your.domain> when they change their email address.